Saturday, January 06, 2007

Tagged by Angela Messenger

[A is for age{: 35

[B is for beer of choice]: Hate beer

[C is for career]: RN

[D is for favorite Drink]: coffee

[E is for Essential item you use everyday]: moisturizer, bra,

[F is for Favorite song at the moment]: Song2 by Blur...makes me wish I was a figher pilot.

[G is for favorite Game]: Yahtzee

[H is for Home town]: Where I live now

[I is for Instruments you play]: none

[J is for favorite Juice]: white grape

[K is for Kids]: 13 yr old dd, 8 yr old ds, 4 yr old dd

[L is for last kiss]: from the 4 yr old dd

[M is for marriage]: nope

[N is for full Name]: Rather not post it...

[O is for Overnight hosp stays]: A few birth

[P is for phobias]: RATS

[Q is for quote]:Depends on my mood and life circumstances

[R is for biggest Regret]: I try not to regret just leads to guilt. Besides each thing I do shaped me into what I am now.

[S is for sports]: Like to watch hockey and baseball...not really into sports

[T is for Time you wake up]: when I

[U is for color underwear]: white, red, black

[V is for Vegetable you love]: I like them raw...except for potatoes.

[W is for Worst Habit]: smoking

[X is for X-rays you've had]: teeth, back, cheek, arm, wrist, ankle

[Y is for Yummy food you make]: almost everything i make is yummy

[Z is for zodiac sign]: Sagittarius

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